Project delivery

Project delivery

Project delivery is a detailed report of the work you've made.

How to deliver your order

  1. Open a project page
  2. Navigate to the project dashboard
  3. Click on "Delivery Now" button
  4. You will be redirected to project delivery dialoge
  5. Fill-in the details and send to the buyer

Tips for sellers:

  • Describe in details the work you've made
  • Add clear instructions what should your buyer do next
  • If possible, add some how-to, user manuals or installation guides


If your work does have any attachments, you should upload it here using the delivery dialogue.

Proof of work

Even if your project does not contain any attachments, we strongly recommend to take screenshot of your work and upload it in your project delivery.

This would help to proof the work you have made.

Screenshots must be clear and readable.

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Free account limits: Active projects: 1, Add-ons per project: 1, Project milestones: 1, Commission: 20%